More than Gleaning – Best Practices – Cooking

2pm- 2:45pm

Facilitator Sarah Ramirez

At Compassionate World Kitchen where Sarah is involved they:

  1. Ask people how they use/prepare the food they use
  2. Show them other ways to prepare the food

These are low income, diverse people from a “food desert” area


Terry from Veggie Rescue in Santa Ynez talked about some projects they have going on:

Farm Track—takes 1st to 8th graders to farms and teaches them about soil, irrigation, herbicides and other farming issues

Reach In — is a project for good nutrition at Senior Centers

Chef to Chef — teaches about cooking, how to use equipment, how to prepare gleaned veggies

Bleu Print Project—shows people how to set up their own Veggie Rescue Program

Veggies Vs vending—is working to place veggies in school vending machines

Pureeing and Freezing Sessions

Also, discussion of how to dry the Hachiya (not fuyu) persimmons with a dehydrator; other ways to sue this gleaned fruit

Melita from Healdsburg told about bringing elementary school children to orchards, e.g. a walnut orchard—to learn about the fruit,  to help glean and to feel pride in giving the fruit to the food bank

Discussion of supervision of children, grant funding possibilities, corporate sponsorships

Lorrie talked about getting funding for pedometers for kids, having them sue them to track their  walking which then made some of them eligible to visit a farm


Discussion of recipe sharing, getting children to eat gleaned squash—cooked, cut up and frozen and then put into macaroni, sauces

Talked about canning classes—what else they can be called if they don’t take place in a commercial kitchen, etc.

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