Get recognized: Social media and marketing

Notes from Social Media and Marketing Breakout Session
Community Jam 2015
by Susan Singley, GleanSLO

  • Primal Pastures is an organization that runs a great social media presence
  • Harvest Sacramento uses Facebook for event promotion primarily
    • They use Instagram – they choose one good photo from the event (such as a close up of a kid with fruit) and post with hashtags. They then share it on other platforms.
    • They will also create an album on facebook and share on other platforms.
  • Be Healthy Tulare shares a lot of articles that demonstrate compassion in action
  • It’s good to schedule posts in advance to save time
  • Question: What audiences are we reaching on Facebook? Older audience?
  • Texting Service that Harvest Sacramento uses – Remind 101
    Use it for glean reminders
  • Mail Chimp and E newsletters reach a broader age demographic than any single social media platform
  • Remember: Online efforts don’t reach ALL audiences. We still need face to face communications and interactions to be successful!
  • Next Door is a social network for neighborhoods that can be really helpful in connecting neighborhood harvest coordinators
    The neighborhood has to already be active on the site for this to work
  • has great free webinars on using social media for nonprofits