2pm- 2:45pm
- Volunteer roles
- Food Forward
- Property scouters; pick leader; volunteers
- Limited by system that won’t support any more picks
- No limited by roles – e.g. scout can do 5 properties/month
- Solo picking –
- Considerations: safety issues when working alone or being bored alone.
- Need to follow same procedures followed before/during/after pick that would be followed on a group pick.
- Can create their own schedule (more control)
- Generally do three 40-lbs boxes/pick
- Some volunteers can do everything (pick; drive; store)
- Provide pick leaders with post-event surveys
- Thank you to volunteers (including pick leader) and home owner
- Property scouters; pick leader; volunteers
- Village Harvest
- Planners – More flexible vs. Harvest leaders – Homeowner contact; paperwork
- Roles used to be centralized and now roles exist within each geographic chapter.
- Intakes and events are independent
- Pro-active outreach to existing homeowners; drive to website to complete forms.
- Visual mapping of homes to be picked on team harvests
- Contact (email) to confirm availability/interest for a homes to be picked; “work order” generated.
- Nominal leader – “I pick the fruit; I drive the van”
- Planners – More flexible vs. Harvest leaders – Homeowner contact; paperwork
- Food Forward
- Usually one house at a time (1.5 hours)
- Receipts for home owners
- Some don’t have email
- Cards can be helpful
- Calibrations on standard containers/fruit type (w/in 5% accurate enough)
- Issue on the spot when picking occurs
- VH asks for people being willing to help underwrite the costs (1 page doc – envelope provided as well as online option)
- Agency receipts done at time of drop off or electronically
- Reconciliation happens in the back office
- If you’re not already a non-profit yourself, the food bank you partner with may allow you to distribute their receipts.
- Urban Farmer
- Contact annual fruit tree planning workshops. Creates loyal followers
- Work with schools to plant fruit trees (provide mentoring). Over 1100 planted in 3 years.
- Work with subdivision to put in 10 x 60 space in open space to plant fruit trees
- SUGGESTION: Share information across orgs about production, pestilence(?), things to anticipate.