Raising Funds – How do we fund ourselves?


Facilitators Camilo and Bill Crandall

Bill Crandall – offered to give “Funding 101” talk / guidance – has fundraising expertise

Funding Sources:

  1. Grants –
    1. Health Foundations – one good source. Orgs interested in promoting healthy diet/living/etc. California Endowment, Kaiser mentioned.
    2. Stopwaste.org – grantee – $3700 received – “taking things out of waste stream by harvesting/gleaning”
    3. Some grants very strict about # of volunteer hours (based on the number of volunteer hours). Recording hours – be sure to include coordination time and also volunteer time (value time of coordination)
      1. Don’t leave out the other value beyond pounds of fruit – “social” value – testimonials, getting a video – can be very effective beyond just the numbers.
  2. Value-added products – jams, jellies – volunteers make them, (harvest sacramento, village harvest has done, others).
    1. Southern California: Jamming party 4x a year – kumquats – local, seasonal “garden parties” – people come and purchase preserves.
    2. Discussion about cottage food law – challenge is making sure to identify the source.
  3. Working with a local restaurant – provide gleaned fruit to restaurant, restaurant sells for $8-10 (cocktail), organization gets ~$4 a cocktail
  4. Homeowner donations
  5. Harvest Sacramento (Randy) – reached out to Picker Pole companies – Mr. Long Arm, Wooster — wrote letters/emails directly to companies to donate. Happy to share information.
    1. AMS – harvest clippers – Japanese? Company with US affiliate


  • 501c3
  • Under another 501c3
  • Self-funded

Level of funding people are operating on?

  • 15k -> 95k pounds. 1 person on staff (1099 tax form). Marketing, gas for truck (truck donated), insurance.
  • Self-funded – hard to understand expenditures due to variety of activities (perhaps $10k this year)
  • Harvest Sacramento – 50-60k under the gleaning bucket (larger overall budget for many other activities) – largely foundation $$, but also tree donations, cash donations, etc. 1 employee (50% time on paper), 1 assistant
  • Moved on to another topic


  • Backyard fruit trees  Food Bank acts as distributor
  • Farm (green bean plants) or Farmer had packing plant (excess zucchini, cucumbers) – wanted volunteers to come and pick up veggies. They came and took it with volunteers (then distributed directly to senior centers, rescue missions, etc).
  • Another story of distribution directly to senior center, etc (other public) — get to see it go “the last mile” – beneficial of seeing it go “full circle” – good for the volunteers to see the gratitude of people who benefit from the picking.
    • Harvest Sacramento (Randy) – Also – Health conference, public library used as outreach – pick the fruit, distribute at these places, get the community “connection” – opens the dialogue with the community, people see where it is coming from, have a conversation about the organization, etc.

Bill Crandall (started – ran out of time):

  • Joined board of Teach for America to learn how to do fundraising (went from under 1M to 2M annually)
  • Key things learned (whiteboard)
    • Non-profits
      • Base – friends, family, etc
      • Base on top – individual donors
      • Foundations
      • Corporations
      • Governments
        • Local
        • State
        • Federal
        • International
      • Earned Income (ex: making preserves – closer to a Biz but with a philanthropic aspect)
  • Teach for America – mostly foundations / corporations. This was atypical — usually have a strong base of individual donors – then use them to influence foundations/corporations (members of boards).

cjam2013_flip_chart-2-600-Raising Funds cjam2013_flip_chart-15-600-Raising Funds